Car Donation Wizard raises 200 Million dollars

$200 Million Raised for Charity

Advanced Remarketing Services is proud to announce that we have helped raise over $200 million for our charity partners through our Car Donation Wizard program! We’d like to thank all our donors for their generous car donations which have made it possible for us to reach this milestone! We proudly return 75-80% of every gross

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice  Both the longest and shortest days on the planet. For the Northern and Southern hemispheres the solstice dates are flipped. The hemispheres exist above and below the earth’s equator. Summer Solstice – the beginning of summer – and when the North Pole is titled the closest to the sun, meaning it is also the

Markets & Metals May 2020 Coronavirus Edition

As previously discussed in the last Market & Metals post, we discussed the unknown impacts of the global pandemic and the difficulty forecasting into a wildly uncertain economic horizon.   The roughly 20 drop that we observed at the beginning of the Pandemic in the U.S. has held relatively steady into May.   Average scrap values fell