Success at AFP 2016

Thanks to all those who visited us at the Association of Fundraising Professionals 2016 Conference! We’re excited to continue the conversation following AFP, and to celebrate returning over $100 million to our charity partners. This year offered an exciting opportunity to prominently feature the UNICEF Civil Society program at our AFP booth. Visitors were able

Why I Switched to MariaDB and Haven’t Looked Back

As a longtime Oracle user, I always felt that MySql was in “catch up” mode. It only developed ACID-compliant transactions and Declarative Referential Integrity begrudgingly, after InnoDB came along, and even then was still missing “big” database features like point in time recovery. Still at some point early in the new millennium, MySql matured enough

Motor for your Mission

No matter how much we may care about curing disease, eliminating poverty or ending homelessness, if there are no funds, no good work will be done. Charitable organizations know the only way to tackle the massive issues that plague the world today is to scale up. The organization must be big enough, be well known

data security

ARS: Data Security

From identity theft to credit card breaches, Americans are impacted by inadequate data security policies every year, leaving many unsure of which organizations to trust. The need for greater data security is increasing as more and more businesses offer their customers enhanced services which require the handling, transfer, and storage of personal information. For organizations


Three words to describe the company’s EAT LOCAL, EAT FRESH program: Tasty…Variety…Healthy. YES! I discovered that carrots come in many colors with subtle taste differences. And, YES! I rediscovered I do not like beets. It was a fun idea. We never knew what would show up on the table. ‘Best of Show’: Kristine’s shark/boat!!! Stephanie

11 Reasons Why We Love Autos (And You Should, Too!)

There are so many reasons to love autos…all kinds.  Here are our favorites: F – A – S – T !! Relatively speaking, they’re the most accessible (and cheapest) way to move really fast.  Sure, it may be cheaper to take the bus, but it sure doesn’t move as fast as a car can! It

End of the Year…ALREADY?!

I think I saw…no, I KNOW I saw some bright orange leaves on a tree in my yard this weekend. You know what that means.  Fall is coming! Let’s face it…we’re way more than halfway through the year and before you know it we’ll find ourselves preparing for the holidays with cooking, shopping, planning and

road sign scams

Charity Scams and Scammers: Absolute Villains

These scams have to stop. Recently, the Federal Trade Commission and regulators for all 50 States filed complaints alleging that a family group and members of their church congregation bilked donors of $187 million over five years. That number again is $187,000,000!!!!!! The complaints identify four connected groups operating as “personal fiefdoms” and “sham charities”. The

Donating Your Car is as Easy as A-B-C!

Donating your vehicle (car, truck, van, motorcycle, etc.) is as quick and easy as A-B-C! A.  Fill out an online application… Visit Car Donation Wizard and select the charitable cause you would like to support or phone us and give your information over the phone to a friendly representative (877.999.8322). B.  Mail us your title… After you submit your information, you’ll receive