
A New Reality

When I look back on my life, there will be more than a few great memories that rise to the top; watching my first virtual reality (VR) video will undoubtedly be one of them. I recently experienced this amazing sensation and am still reeling from the impact. I couldn’t believe how it transported me into


If You Don’t Mind

What makes us good at what we do? As an individual … as a company? There’s a multi-dimensional answer to that that starts with one’s mind and ends with the right balancing act. As an individual, it means balancing responsibilities and pleasures; balancing home, work, friends, family, fun. As a company it means balancing the

Aluminum and Copper Plummet

A hybrid of economic forces continues to reduce already depressed prices of metals, including gold, steel, copper, and now aluminum. “China’s stock market crashes again as panicking sellers lose faith” reads today’s headline, underscoring the gravity of weak demand while giving speculators cause to lower oil futures below $50 per barrel.1 Mining production has increased

Lends a Hand

ARS Lends a Hand to Habitat for Humanity 2015

Pens, keyboards, and phones were replaced with tape, levels, and utility knives for a handful of ARS team members who ventured out early morning to help with the Bristol Habitat for Humanity build.  Stephen, Kelly, Aaron, Jen, and Taylor were really looking forward to swinging a hammer for a couple of hours on this bright,

Earth Day

Earth Day 2015 Photos

Earth Day Challenge Photo Gallery There is a great need for the introduction of new values in our society, where bigger is not necessarily better, where slower can be faster, and where less can be more. ARS Earth day Challenge 2015 The wealth of the nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes,

Market & Metals

Scrap Metal Market Watch: September 2015

Scrap Metal Market Trends Scrap metal prices for crushed auto bodies continues to increase. We’ve seen a increase of 6.23% over the past month, a decline of 45.58% over the past year, and a decline of 48.85% over the past two years. Chart | Scrap Metal Market Trends

Metals Tumble Following Greece, China Announcements

Greece Vote Against Austerity Measures Prices of copper and nickel dropped 4.2% and 3.3%1, respectively, following news of Greece’s vote against austerity measures and recent moves by China to prevent a stock-market collapse. The resounding “no” vote in Greece has signaled a potential exit from the euro, prompting market speculators to predict a significant slowdown

Scrap Metal’s Domestic Economic Impact

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries recently completed an exhaustive economic impact report. The report shows that overall, when measuring the direct impact, and indirect impact of the scrap recycling industry: the industry generates over $105 billion annually in the U.S. and helps support more than 471,000 jobs nationwide currently. Among this, the export of

Palladium Follows Platinum Drop

Palladium prices dropped 15% this month, hitting a two-year low. Sources cite weak automotive demand in the U.S. and China – the automotive market accounts for 70% of annual consumption, used in catalytic converters. Mining has increased under the influence of a strong U.S. dollar, while demand has shrunk – this year’s demand is only

Nigerian Student Uses Scrap Metal to Create Wind and Solar Powered Vehicle

It’s amazing how properly recycling your vehicle at the end of its life-cycle, whether through car donation, or even deciding to junk a car can generate something so positive! Whether it’s assisting with getting some great nonprofits further funding, or efficiently recycling your vehicle, so that some brilliant individuals can utilize their visions to create something cool, and exciting!