A Local Donation

A Massachusetts woman recently donated her car to the American Cancer Society in honor of cancer patients everywhere. A survivor herself, Joanne remembers her personal fight to battle lung cancer. It started in 2011 with an accidental discovery and unexpected diagnosis, followed by surgery to remove a malignant tumor. Although it was a difficult recovery for her, complicated by other significant life-changing events, she’s remained cancer-free and is grateful her outcome was so good. “I was lucky not to have required chemotherapy or radiation,” she said cheerfully, “but every day is a fight, and I don’t give up.”
Knowing first-hand the subsequent emotional, physical, mental, social, and financial hardships cancer can force into a person’s life, and as someone who has always done her best to accommodate the needs of others, she quickly made her mind up that she would provide support for other cancer patients. She began by growing out her hair, then donating it to “Locks of Love,” a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss. She is growing her hair a second time, with the intent on donating again…and as many times as she is able.
She knew that wasn’t enough; she wanted to do more. She remembered hearing about car donations to help charities and went online to CarDonationWizard.com to complete the process of donating her car. “I thought that was a great idea as a way to help other people,” she said. It was quick, easy and left her feeling good knowing she was helping others.
“Donating my car is something I will definitely do again if given the chance.”
When thanked for her kind donation, her reply was simply, “I just wish [my car] was in better condition so you could have gotten more money for it.”
About ARS
Advanced Remarketing Services offers innovative solutions to some of the remarketing industry’s toughest questions. We navigate the confusing landscape of wholesale, salvage and consumer markets to sell the vehicles in the best venue to the most appropriate buyer base. If you would like to donation your vehicle to the American Cancer Society please click HERE.